Other than the weather's teasing, things have been going pretty well! After Mevy's birthday the Social Programme that I'm a part of through Westminster took us on a trip to Cambridge, which is apparently one of the prettiest cities in the UK. The city was pretty, but I did think the tour guides hyped the city up a little too much. Cambridge is only about a 2 hour drive from London, so when we got there we went on a walking tour to stretch our legs a bit. We were able to separate after that and do a little exploring for ourselves, so we walked around the downtown area and did a little sightseeing. Once we met back up we toured the Kings College Chapel, which dates back to the Medieval Ages. I don't think I've ever been in a church that big!
The highlight of the trip definitely had to be this guy. He played his guitar for tips from inside a trash bin. Granted, there was no trash in there, but you gotta give the guy props for being willing to sit inside a trash can. How many people would be willing to do that? Had I had any cash at the time I would have been tempted to give him everything I had because that takes guts. Also, who would actually come up with the idea to play guitar (and sing) inside a trash can?!
This is the side of the Kings College Chapel - I told you it was massive!
Inside said Chapel.
Again, Chapel.
This week we went on a Harry Potter Walking tour around London. Basically, we went around London to see all of the places around the city that were filmed through all 8 films. It was neat seeing how these places looked in the films, versus how they actually look in real life. Most of the places looked a lot more normal and a lot less magical...
Now is the time of the semester that school is really starting to get serious. We only have 3 more weeks left of classes before Spring Break starts in early April, so projects are due every other day, it seems like. I had my first group presentation last week and we got an A on it! The grading system is different in the UK, so when we got the review sheet back from my professor and I saw a 75% I freaked out, since that's a C at home, but I found out that's considered an A, or a "first" as they call it here! So I have one project down, three to go before I'm home free in April!
After Spring Break (and Mom and Kathy come to visit - yaaaay!) I have three exams in May, the last of which is a week before I leave. It still blows my mind to think I'm half way done with my stay here. I definitely have times when I miss being home, as in, being able to go to Target, seeing Eddie, the family, etc., but I keep thinking about how sad I'll be to leave here. London's become home, so while I'm excited to finally have some good Southern food when I get home, I know I'll be thinking of London all the time.
Lucky me, I still have some (hopefully) warm months to come!
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