Saturday, March 9, 2013

Early March Update

Hi everyone! I hope the weather has been getting warmer wherever you are, because it did for me...for about a week. Last week's weather was gorgeous - getting into the high 50s (it hit 57 last Tuesday!), then slowly but surely dipping back down into the 40s. Granted, that's better than how the forecast for this upcoming week looks. The highs will be hovering somewhere between 37 and 43 degrees every day next week, so I won't be putting up my UGGs and Patagonia jackets just yet.

Other than the weather's teasing, things have been going pretty well! After Mevy's birthday the Social Programme that I'm a part of through Westminster took us on a trip to Cambridge, which is apparently one of the prettiest cities in the UK. The city was pretty, but I did think the tour guides hyped the city up a little too much. Cambridge is only about a 2 hour drive from London, so when we got there we went on a walking tour to stretch our legs a bit. We were able to separate after that and do a little exploring for ourselves, so we walked around the downtown area and did a little sightseeing. Once we met back up we toured the Kings College Chapel, which dates back to the Medieval Ages. I don't think I've ever been in a church that big!

It was only afterwards that Mevy and I realized we had gotten our picture taken in a brick doorway with dead plants surrounding us.

The highlight of the trip definitely had to be this guy. He played his guitar for tips from inside a trash bin. Granted, there was no trash in there, but you gotta give the guy props for being willing to sit inside a trash can. How many people would be willing to do that? Had I had any cash at the time I would have been tempted to give him everything I had because that takes guts. Also, who would actually come up with the idea to play guitar (and sing) inside a trash can?!

 This is the side of the Kings College Chapel - I told you it was massive!

Inside said Chapel.

Again, Chapel.

This week we went on a Harry Potter Walking tour around London. Basically, we went around London to see all of the places around the city that were filmed through all 8 films. It was neat seeing how these places looked in the films, versus how they actually look in real life. Most of the places looked a lot more normal and a lot less magical...

Now is the time of the semester that school is really starting to get serious. We only have 3 more weeks left of classes before Spring Break starts in early April, so projects are due every other day, it seems like. I had my first group presentation last week and we got an A on it! The grading system is different in the UK, so when we got the review sheet back from my professor and I saw a 75% I freaked out, since that's a C at home, but I found out that's considered an A, or a "first" as they call it here! So I have one project down, three to go before I'm home free in April!

After Spring Break (and Mom and Kathy come to visit - yaaaay!) I have three exams in May, the last of which is a week before I leave. It still blows my mind to think I'm half way done with my stay here. I definitely have times when I miss being home, as in, being able to go to Target, seeing Eddie, the family, etc., but I keep thinking about how sad I'll be to leave here. London's become home, so while I'm excited to finally have some good Southern food when I get home, I know I'll be thinking of London all the time.

Lucky me, I still have some (hopefully) warm months to come!

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