Wednesday, January 2, 2013

First Post!

Hi everybody! I have only a few days until I am on the plane to London and I can already feel the nerves kicking in. I'm trying to not think about it or stay busy, but it's difficult given the amount of planning and preparation leaving for five months requires. I'm ridiculously excited and I can't wait to head out, but there's definitely a sense of caution and anxiety.

I don't have much to talk about yet, but I'll definitely fill everyone in on this blog as I go! I already have a few trips and events planned through a tour group that include:

  • A weekend in Wales
  • Billy Elliot the Musical
  • Stonehenge and Bath tour
  • A walking tour of the Harry Potter film sets
  • Boat Cruise tour of London
  • Canterbury and Hever Castle tour
I also have tickets for a show by Passenger, a great one man gig I saw last year in the states. He's very folky and bluegrass-y, so if you want to check out his music click here. I'm also planning to see a great band called the Lumineers. They aren't super famous, but almost everyone has heard their most recent single, Ho Hey.

My next post (which will be after I touch down in London) will have more details and photos! Can't wait to share!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily, looking forward to hearing about the first few days! Culture shock and all that...yes, they do speak English, but a different culture nonetheless! Take care, Kathy
